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About me
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Marc Ducommun

What is unique in my career is that after several years as project manager in the Energy Sector serving demanding customer like Bechtel, i started my supply chain career as a buyer. Then i went up the hiercharchy to become responsible for the entire supply chain of a 5Bio Dollars Business. This means i can talk from field experience at all  level of a project supply chain team.


Latest position


Senior Executive by General Electric reporting  to the Business CEO (GE STEAM Power). Directly responsible for the complete Supply Chain team of 550 people in 20 countries and a yearly spend of 2 Bio USD. The Supply Chain department included Strategic Sourcing, Project Procurement, Factory Procurement, Logistics, Customs, Indirect Sourcing.



Highlights of my education:


•Master of mechanical Engineering, EPFL 1990

•Master of Business Administration, VCU 2004. Appointed Member of BETA GAMMA SIGMA. International Business Honor Society.

•Six Sigma Black Belt


Professional Strenghts


Ø  Creative strategic thinker and problem solver

Ø  Strong Supply Chain expertise and worldwide suppliers network for EPC Business

Ø  Skilled at operating in complex multicultural environments

Ø  Excellent communication skills in English, French and German

Ø  Leader passionate about building strong teams and processes

Ø  Passion for process improvement using 6-Sigma Black Belt training

Ø  International business experiences (negotiation, contracting, execution)


Other experience


Teacher of Six Sigma at VCU EMBA Program

Guest teacher at EPFL Supply Chain Program: IML





My career has been build on geting along with people, independently if they were higher, same or lower in the hierarchy. I cared about people and focus on performance. I spent 30 years in the same company and delivered continuously results.

Then when i decided to start a new chapter in my life, i have been sincerely grateful to receive sponteneous messages of appreciation. Coming literally from all around the world and hierarchy. No culture bareer no power play. Just respect of each other while striving for the higher outcome.


Here a few messages that my peers, team members or managers sent me when they heard about my departure. I will keep these testimonials as the most precious farewell gift. Thank you team.





I have been able to work with Marc for most of my career.  Throughout this time Marc has been everything from an extraordinary teacher, a team mate, a colleague to a trusted sounding board.  Marc’s primary focus is to create win-win solutions which fit the business and the human beings behind the business.  His approach is strictly fact based, he listens properly, he puts himself in other people’s shoes to find solutions.  Once an action plan is agreed he leads with passion, drives strict discipline and rigour in order not to miss targets.  Due to his pragmatism and resilience Marc will hardly ever miss a target, and if he sees that a target is not achievable, he will let the team know early so the blocking issues can be addressed before impacting a final outcome.


Marc is a seasoned expert in the execution of complex mega projects but also perfectly understands the needs of smaller, faster moving projects such as Service interventions. 


What made Marc for me the “go to” person on many issues far beyond sourcing, is his approachability and his tireless drive to leverage and harness the diversity human beings bring to an global company.  His leadership style is inclusive and geared towards understanding what every member of a team can bring…and then elevate each individual’s thought or idea whilst ensuring the vectors of all thoughts keep pointing in the same overall direction.



Pascal Radue, CEO GE Hydro








Bonjour Marc,


Je voudrais vous remercier pour votre confiance et votre reconnaissance, votre sincérité, et votre humilité.


Je vous souhaite la meilleure santé qui soit, beaucoup de joie dans votre vie personnelle, ainsi que de la réussite et de l’épanouissement dans votre nouveau et noble projet.


Avec tout mon respect,


Team member, Sourcing, France, Mai 2020





Hello Marc-


I am an employee who is so far down on the organization chart that I don’t believe we’ve ever spoken directly.


I just listened to your words in the broadcast, and I was quite impressed by your taking the time to describe the events and circumstances that led you to reflect on your career, your priorities, and your decision to open a new chapter in your life.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts.   In many years with Alstom / GE, I can recall no other high level leader who shared comments with their team as you have.   It is a measure of your respect for others, and it says a lot about who you are as a man.


I wish you good health and much happiness as you open your new chapters in life.




Team member, Sourcing, USA, Mai 2020








Hello Marc,


Just heard your speech in the broadcast. It’s really sad to know that you are leaving us. You are a wonderful leader and mentor. The way you treat work and family is very impressive and instructive.

I envy the decision you made and wish you all the best in your new chapter! Health and family are the most important elements in the life.

I will miss you!


Best regards,


Team member, Sourcing, China, Mai 2020







Dear Marc,


It had been a pleasure to have worked with you in the past and at present in your team.


It has been a wonderful journey so far for the Steam Sourcing Team with you as the leader.


Wishing you all the best for the future.


Take care and keep safe.




Team member, Sourcing, India, Mai 2020






Bonjour Marc ,


Je me souviens de vous au tout début quand j’ai commencé aux achats et j’avais vu que vous êtes une personne très bien et très humaine.

Je vous souhaite une très bonne continuation et merci pour tous ces années que vous avez apporté à notre entreprise avec votre grande expérience.

Prenez soin de vous et de votre famille et merci pour tout !


Team member, Sourcing, France, Mai 2020









Dear Marc,


I still can’t believe that you are leaving even after 2 days of announcement …


All the stories play as movie in my mind these days. Back to 2014 winter when you grouped the sourcing team together in Belfort, sharing experience, listening to others, exchanging idea and even grouping of solving problem… What a wonder time! Then in the next  6 years, I enjoy very much your sharp but British leadership style, clear goal but with enough space for people self-playing.  Those intangible assets, like sourcing organization concept and all these sourcing tools, really make our team strong. I benefit a lot from those methodologies …

From the bottom of my heart, I do want to thank you for your patience and coach, and sincerely wish you wonderful life in the new Chapter.

This is not the end but a new journey…


Yours sincerely,


Team member, Sourcing, China, Mai 2020









Dear Marc,

Its hard and almost unacceptable for me to say goodbye under social distance condition to a very longstanding colleague, a real „Monsieur“ as we use to say in Basel-dialect! You are someone which made it all time easy, whatsoever professional or personal conditions we had, to look up, follow the roads and sometimes stormy ways.

As I did join our previous Company a Little few months earlier than you, back in 1989, please allow me to express my sincere and honest appreciation of you, Marc, as a colleague, as a human being and great Person. I am confident our life journey will allow us to cross each other soon again.

I wish you and your beloved all the very best, stay and Keep on as you are. Thank you very much. Sincerely yours



Team member, Sourcing, Switzerland, Mai 2020







Hi Marc


I was thinking how to write to You to rightly express my reaction and feelings, but to do it in one simple and short sentence. To do it, the way You had mastered when you communicated with us using one sentence, in which you were able to include your opinion, a question, an expectation for answer and even emotions the subject created.

Although, I believe for this situation I can excuse myself as one sentence might be too difficult to say a bit more beside Thank you for all those years I worked under Your leadership.


You know exactly where the gaps and weak points are. But every time you challenged us you always did it in the way to not  disrespect us and our work but to find a way to motivate us further

You knew exactly role Sourcing should play in this business to make it run and be efficient. Knowing that, we all have the feeling that we could count on your support and help in problematic cases. But being “a wall” that everyone leans on when they need help, can be exhaustive and in the long term will impair the foundations. By saying that I want to say that understand your decision, but at the same time I am feeling this loss.


Let me finish here my “short sentence”, and once again I wanted to Thank You for you did for Sourcing and individuals. I wish You all the best for the new journey.


Best Regards


Team member, Sourcing, Poland, Mai 2020







Hi Marc

Sad to hear you are leaving. I am very grateful for all engagements I’ve had with you.


Wishing you all the best.


Project Director, GE South Africa








Bonjour Marc,


Par ce court message je voulais te faire part de ma sincère émotion et te remercier pour tout ce que tu as fait pour soutenir notre fonction et plus important encore, les hommes et femmes qui y travaillent. En ces temps contrariés cela n’en a que plus d’importance.


Je te souhaite ce qu’il y a de mieux dans cette nouvelle aventure


Bien à toi


Team member, Sourcing, France







Bonjour Marc, 


Franchement choquée et sincèrement attristée par cette nouvelle inattendue ! 


Nous n’avions plus beaucoup de contact ces dernières années, mais je me souviens toujours avec beaucoup de plaisir des bons moments et bons projets partagés…et notamment de quelle manière tu as su construire ce groupe motivé et solidaire

Tu es un des « derniers mohicans » à comprendre que les salariés se défoncent toujours pour ceux qui les ont bien traités avant … bien avant …

Ton écoute, ta compréhension des projets et des attentes des clients, ton leadership (le vrai !) et ton humanité, vont cruellement nous manquer. 


Quels que soient tes choix pout la suite je te souhaite vraiment tout le meilleur !

Merci pour tout et bon vent …




Team member, Sourcing, France







Howdy Marc,


Reading this, it immediately springs very good memories I have been working with you from day 1 when we met for the first time.

I very much value our working relationship since then. I have great respect for your professional working ethics.


Good luck in the future Marc, wherever that may lead you.



Team member, Sourcing, Australia






Hi. Marc,


It is sad information to me to hear your decision to leave. I look back you are leading us going to the right way for sourcing role. And please accept to my comments: You are great man to let Steam Power sourcing succeed. Really I miss you being have a lot of nice memory.


Voice from Chinese guy to see hello to your wife and your family. You are welcome to China being like tourist and I shall arrange Ping-pong together



Team member, Sourcing, China






Salut Marc,


C’est avec une grande émotion que je voulais partager ces mots avec toi.


Quand j’ai appris la nouvelle de ton départ, c’était un choc comme pour beaucoup d’entre nous ! Des souvenirs ont resurgi et notamment le jour de notre rencontre. Le jour où tu m’as embauché …


On dit que la loyauté dépend beaucoup de choses simples. Pour moi c’est le cas :  et entre nous, c’est le côté humain et accessible que tu montrais à chaque instant et dans chaque situation qui m’as fait rester toute ces années dans ton équipe.

Tout ceci pour te dire Marc que tu es un quelqu’un de spécial, un leader aimé et respecté, un mentor que beaucoup souhaitent avoir mais surtout tu as été pour nous un ami et un proche conseiller comme un père l’aurait été ! Tu vas nous manquer …

Te voir partir après toute ces années est triste. Mais en t’écoutant aujourd’hui lors du « broacast », je suis heureux de savoir que la décision vient de toi.


Du fond du cœur, je te remercie Marc pour toutes ces années. Des souvenirs, de confiance et une expérience à ne jamais oublier dans un monde qui change trop vite… et ou les valeurs se perdent !

j’espère que nos chemins se recroiseront un jour autour d’un bon repas peut-être


En attendant, je te souhaite que du bonheur et de la joie dans ce nouveau chapitre de ta vie et puisse le destin t’apporter ce que tu souhaites.


Prend soin de toi Marc.



Amitiés et a bientôt,


Team member, Sourcing, Malyasia






Bonjour Marc,


L’ annonce de ton départ de la société a été un véritable choc pour moi.

Je tenais à te remercier pour avoir pris le temps et le soin de nous parler à tous en direct ce jour.

Compte-tenu du contexte (Home Office…), ma famille a été témoin de mon émotion et de ma tristesse…

C’est difficile de dire « Au Revoir » à un Leader exigeant, professionnel, humain dans une si juste mesure, qui a toujours su être à la fois « Project Leader » et « People Leader ».

Au-delà de l’exigence professionnelle, je retiendrai aussi la valeur RESPECT qui était le fil conducteur de ton Management qui va nous manquer.

Merci pour tout cela.


Je te souhaite d’ouvrir et de vivre pleinement ce  nouveau chapitre de vie…pour toujours plus de partage et de joie avec ta famille et tous ceux qui te sont proches.


Voici ce que disait Voltaire en 1739 : «  Le plus beau partage de l’humanité, c’est de pouvoir faire du bien ».




Team member, Sourcing, France







You are leaving behind a terrific legacy of accomplishment. We will certainly miss your leadership in GE.


GE Officer, USA






Dear Marc,

You are a great person, I am happy for you as you take this step in your life. Can’t think of better way than doing things for others who can do same for them.

Let’s stay connected.


GE Officer, USA







I just heard your speech in the today meeting. And the word who came in my mind is courage. Because take this kind of decision request courage and this is not everybody who can do it.

I wanted also highlight your role model  in term of  personal investment, humanity  and humility  in this difficult and complex world.

Thank you for everything. I wish you all the Best in your new life.


Best regards



Team member, Sourcing, Switzerland




Hi Marc,


I was very sorry and surprised to hear you are leaving the company. This is definitely a very BIG loss to us. In a way I fully understand this is due to your personal reason, yet I hate to see this kind of negative movement…


you are an extraordinary leader and there has been a great foundation you have built within the organization! We will miss you in the future and I wish you all the best to enjoy your time with family. We probably will not be able to meet each other in the near future given the travel restrictions, yet I truly believe life may cross over sometime in future.


I wish you a good rest and relaxation, all the best and we will keep in touch!


Thank you very much for your support!



Managing director, China









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